Intrinsic Energy Solutions began as a small family company in 1998. Originally known as CD Patrols, we initially specialised in streetlight patrols, using a single vehicle to identify and report faults in Brisbane’s lighting network. From this humble beginning, the company grew to conduct streetlight maintenance and construction.
Recent years have seen our company expand again to work in electricity network construction. We’ve invested in our capability, and now also provide expert services in above and below ground network construction, both low and high voltage (LV & HV). We also assist in the construction of large scale commercial solar systems with our sister company Solar Hybrids –
As we’ve grown, we’ve become a recognised industry leader in safety, quality, customer care and value for money. Our experienced, mature team hold well-developed expertise in our work, and a shared commitment to providing safe and superior service to our clients and the public.
Our dedication and reliability have been recognised by Energex, SEQ’s electricity distributor and a key partner for Intrinsic Energy Solutions.
We’ve been regularly nominated for the Energex Quality Award and have won this prestigious award three times (2014, 2005, 2002).
We’ve been nominated for the Customer Care Award multiple times and taken out the honours twice (2008 and 2003).
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